CMSI 3300 - Artificial Intelligence

Professor Andrew Forney • Andrew.Forney[at] • Fall 2022

This course has been archived, so some portions may not be accessible any longer!

Welcome to CMSI-3300 8 / 29 / 23

If you're reading this then you've successfully found the course page for CMSI 3300! Check this page frequently for announcements that are relevant to the course, including notes, homework assignments, and practice problems.

First things first, please read through the course syllabus located here (or in the Materials tab above).

Lecture Notes
Date Lecture Subject
Lecture 15-2
12 / 7 / 23
Getting our Phil of AI
Some parting philosophical considerations on the future, potential, and risks of AI!

  Lecture Video (L15-2)
Lecture 13-1
11 / 22 / 23
Nothing but Nets
BRISK primer into motivation, development, structure, and semantics of neural networks.

  Lecture Video (L15-1)
  Lecture Video (L14-2)
  Lecture Video (L14-1)
Lecture 11-2
11 / 9 / 23
A Few Descent Gradients
Fixing perceptrons with logistic regression!

  Lecture Video (L13-1)
  Lecture Video (L12-2)
  Lecture Video (L12-1)
Lecture 11-1
11 / 7 / 23
Perception Management
The perceptron sees all... well, as long as it's linearly separable...

  Lecture Video (L11-2)
  Lecture Video (L11-1)
Lecture 10-2
11 / 2 / 23
Ignorance is Bliss
Naive Bayes Classifiers and playing the game of Spam v. Ham!

  Lecture Video (L10-2)
Lecture 10-1
10 / 31 / 23
ML: The Imitation Game
Intro to machine learning and learning from examples!

  Lecture Video (L10-1)
Lecture 9-2
10 / 26 / 23
Learning in a Vacuum
Something something Particle Filters.

  Lecture Video (L9-2)
Lecture 7-2
10 / 12 / 23
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Markov
Hidden Markov Models... Markov you ninja, you!

  Lecture Video (L9-1)
  Lecture Video (L8-2)
Lecture 7-1
10 / 10 / 23
Making Our Markov
Introduction to Markov Models and Reasoning Over Time!

  Lecture Video (L7-2)
Lecture 6-2
10 / 5 / 23
Costco's Favorite Lecture
Sampling! (Approximate Inference in Bayesian Networks)

  Lecture Video (L7-1)
Lecture 6-1
10 / 3 / 23
The Price of Knowledge
Is the juice worth the squeeze? Let's find out!

  Recitation (Midterm)
  Lecture Video (L6-2)
  Lecture Video (L6-1)
Lecture 5-1
9 / 26 / 23
Utilitarianism 2.0
Utility Theory and Decision Networks!

  Lecture Video (L5-2)
Lecture 4-2
9 / 22 / 23
The Probabilities are Endless
Exact inference in Bayesian Networks! Intuition, basics, efficiency improvements, and examples.

  Lecture Video (L5-1)
Lecture 4-1
9 / 19 / 23
Separation Anxiety
...dispelled with Bayesian Network independence claims laid bare through d-separation!

  Lecture Video (L4-2)
Lecture 3-2
9 / 14 / 23
Satisfying all of your Bayesal instincts (beginnings of Bayesian Networks).

  Lecture Video (L4-1)
Lecture 3-1
9 / 12 / 23
A Second Chance at Inference
Beginnings of Probability Theory!

  Lecture Video (L3-2)
  Lecture Video (L3-1)
Lecture 2-1
9 / 5 / 23
New: Here's Resolution
Theorem proving and resolution -- inference proceduralized!

  Lecture Video (L2-2)
Lecture 1-2
8 / 31 / 23
A Proposition You Can't Refuse
Propositional logic: syntax and semantics, and the beginnings of automated theorem proving.

  Lecture Video (L2-1)
  Lecture Video (L1-2)
Lecture 1-1
8 / 29 / 23
Humble Beginnings to World Domination
Skynet had to start somewhere! Introduction, syllabus review, and course overview.

  Lecture Video (L1-1)